Page Keller

Head of Academic Relations

Empowering Underprepared Students in Business Education: Strategies from Temple University and Texas Tech

In a recent roundtable discussion on bridging the gap for underprepared students in business...

Leveraging Technology for Equity: A Conversation with University of San Diego’s Vice Provost Roger Pace

The University of San Diego (USD) has transformed its peer tutoring system by leveraging technology...

The Myth of the 9 to 5 Student: Meeting the Evolving Needs of Students

Colleges and universities are continuously challenged to innovate and adapt their support services...

Transformative Strategies for Small College Learning Centers: The Goldey-Beacom College Approach

In the dynamic landscape of higher education, small colleges face a distinct set of challenges that...

Dean Maura Mast of Fordham University Illuminates the Path to Peer Tutoring Success with Knack

At the Association of Catholic Colleges and Universities (ACCU) Annual Meeting in February 2024,...

Building a Resilient Community of Learners

Building a resilient and supportive student network on college campuses is crucial for enhancing...

End-of-Term Survey Reveals Outstanding Impact on Students in Fall '23

As the Fall '23 academic term comes to a close, let’s take a moment to look back and appreciate the...

Turning the Page: Celebrating Fall’s Successes and Springing into the Future

As the fall semester draws to a close, it's time to pause and reflect on our journey thus far. This...

Navigating the Complex Landscape of College Affordability in the US

In the United States, the high cost of college education has emerged as a critical issue, impacting...

Data-Informed Strategies: The Keystone of Scalable Student Success

The quest for student success in higher education is an ever-evolving journey. It's a path paved...

Belonging Through Peer Support: The Bedrock of College Retention & Persistence

In the intricate tapestry of higher education, the sense of belonging threads its way through every...

Navigating the First 6 Weeks: 4 Ways Peer Education Can Shape the College Experience

The first six weeks of college represent a transformative period in a student's academic journey....