Knack Notes Blog

Take a deeper look into how peer learning can impact higher education.

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Higher Education (4)

Navigating the Complex Landscape of College Affordability in the US

In the United States, the high cost of college education has emerged as a critical issue, impacting...

How Technology Can Create Meaningful Results in Higher Education

Embracing the evolution of technology in higher education opens up significant opportunities to...

Data-Informed Strategies: The Keystone of Scalable Student Success

The quest for student success in higher education is an ever-evolving journey. It's a path paved...

Responsible Use of Generative AI: Maintaining Academic Integrity

The integration of artificial intelligence (AI) technology into academia brings immense potential...

Unveiling the Power of Innovation and P3s in Higher Education

Innovation plays a pivotal role in the progress and development of any industry, and higher...

Guide Your 2023-2024 Planning: Student Success Survey Review

Planning for the next academic year is best done with ready-to-use data. Now more than ever,...

What You Missed: How Fordham University Centralized & Virtualized Their Tutoring Network

Fordham University’s Dr. Anand Padmanabhan and Dr. Tracyann F. Williams recently joined Knack for a...

3 Reasons Why Demand-Driven Peer Tutoring Programs are the Key to Educational Equity

Equity and equality are two words that are often used interchangeably, but when it comes to...

Knack by the Numbers: Peer Tutoring in the COVID Era

If there's been one thing we've all learned since the start of COVID-19, it's to expect the...