Knack Notes Blog

Take a deeper look into how peer learning can impact higher education.

Posts about

Peer Support (2)

The Myth of the 9 to 5 Student: Meeting the Evolving Needs of Students

Colleges and universities are continuously challenged to innovate and adapt their support services...

Transformative Strategies for Small College Learning Centers: The Goldey-Beacom College Approach

In the dynamic landscape of higher education, small colleges face a distinct set of challenges that...

Dean Maura Mast of Fordham University Illuminates the Path to Peer Tutoring Success with Knack

At the Association of Catholic Colleges and Universities (ACCU) Annual Meeting in February 2024,...

Building a Resilient Community of Learners

Building a resilient and supportive student network on college campuses is crucial for enhancing...

Belonging Through Peer Support: The Bedrock of College Retention & Persistence

In the intricate tapestry of higher education, the sense of belonging threads its way through every...

Enhancing Mental Health for College Students: The Power of Peer Tutoring

As the mental health crisis among college and university students continues to grow, higher...

New Recurring Sessions Feature Supports Relationship-Based Tutoring

Relationship-based tutoring, consistent healthy habit formation, and tutor/tutee accountability...

Cultivating Community on Campus in the Wake of COVID-19

We ask today’s students to be resilient, to overcome gaping challenges, and to respect the...

From College to Career: How Peer Tutoring Prepares Students for a Skill-Based Workplace

There’s nothing “soft” about soft skills – there never has been.